AWe-Q is an acronym for Adolescent Wellness Quotient. It is the level of an adolescent’s holistic health across the dimensions of wellness, often represented by a score in a standardized test. To understand the Adolescent Wellness Quotient, we need to understand the concept of Wellness and its import on our adolescent’s day–to–day life. When taking this test, please DO NOT consider it an examination. Be as truthful as you possibly can be so as to get accurate answers that will definitely point you in the direction where your adolescents might be lacking. This is NOT a personality test.
Written byTBOG
Workplace Emotions Consultant | Family Wellness Instructor | Certified Physiologist| Developmental and Social Psychologist | Managing Partner TSAGEandTBOG Consult | Cherie Blair Foundation Mentee Alumna | CoFounder Remake Africa